Hey There
Did you know that by 2050, there will be 937 million tons of plastic in the ocean- that’s more plastic than fish?
And all this plastic is killing 100 million marine animals every year. More than 9 out of 10 seabirds and 6 out of 10 whales have plastics in their stomach. Our oceans are at the limit of their resilience.
And if there’s a time to act, it's NOW!
What's the ocean minded world?
Recently, I Am OceanMinded sponsored Martin’s "swimming for the cause" to raise the awareness of plastic pollution in the ocean. Martin Ceballos successfully swam nonstop 18 km from Fuerta island to Ibiza.
The documentary El Cruce presents 19 km swimming for the good cause from Formentera Island to Ibiza, carried out by the artist and composer Martin Ceballos, with the intention of raising awareness of the importance of keeping our ocean clean. After long preparations he had with the swimming coach, he was finally ready for the swim. He succeeded and swam the whole 18 km distance without stopping to show the world that if you are determined, you can do it. Martin: “Since I was young, I have felt a special connection to water. I started diving 3-4- years back and I realized very quickly that not all is as pretty as we see on the pictures. The truth is that around 50% of what I saw was plastic.” When Martin is saying: “We can all take care of our planet with simple, everyday actions!” is exactly the mindset we are having, and that’s why we supported and sponsored the whole project. It was the first experience for I am Oceanminded outside the Arab world, so it was a milestone for us as well.
Recently, I Am OceanMinded sponsored Martin’s "swimming for the cause" to raise the awareness of plastic pollution in the ocean. Martin Ceballos successfully swam nonstop 18 km from Fuerta island to Ibiza.
The documentary El Cruce presents 19 km swimming for the good cause from Formentera Island to Ibiza, carried out by the artist and composer Martin Ceballos, with the intention of raising awareness of the importance of keeping our ocean clean. After long preparations he had with the swimming coach, he was finally ready for the swim. He succeeded and swam the whole 18 km distance without stopping to show the world that if you are determined, you can do it. Martin: “Since I was young, I have felt a special connection to water. I started diving 3-4- years back and I realized very quickly that not all is as pretty as we see on the pictures. The truth is that around 50% of what I saw was plastic.” When Martin is saying: “We can all take care of our planet with simple, everyday actions!” is exactly the mindset we are having, and that’s why we supported and sponsored the whole project. It was the first experience for I am Oceanminded outside the Arab world, so it was a milestone for us as well.
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